
Group lessons for adults

Learn music in a group setting with other adults.

Learning music can be a great leisurely activity, learning together is even more fun. There could be many reasons why you want to take music lessons as an adult like:

  • Learning something new and advancing your abilities
  • Having the chance to learn a musical instrument that you didn't have when you were younger
  • Reaching out to new colleagues through your musical hobbies
  • Advancing your skills as a musician and perfecting your instrument
  • Playing in a band and an ensemble
  • Writing and producing music

What do you think about joining a master class with one of our infamous musicians? Maybe even playing in a band? Join us today for your group adult lesson. We look forward to hearing from you!

The music is not in the notes, but in the silence between.

― Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

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Group lessons for children

Develop your child's inner musician in groups.

Children are fascinated by music, tones, rhythm, dance, and sounds. In group settings children learn especially well, they make friends and have lots of fun. Here's why you might want to consider group music lessons for your child:

  • Children make new friends
  • Children develop their communicative and social abilities
  • Seeing their young colleagues play motivates your child
  • Listening to the way others play will encourage your child
  • Children experience really early what it's like to be in a band
  • The mental and physical abilities will develop tremendously.

We are experts in early childhood musical education, with certifications and experience in introducing children to the power of sound, and cultivating their musical talents. We look forward to hearing from you soon!

Music, once admitted to the soul, becomes a sort of spirit, and never dies.
― Edward Bulwer-Lytton

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Group lessons for seniors

Getting in touch with our timeless inner musician.

A study with 308 amateur musicians of seniorś (average age 71 years old) orchestras from Germany, Austria and Switzerland reported that:

  • Making music guarantees well-being to me (98%)
  • Making music increases my quality of life (95%)
  • Making music offers me contacts to other people (95%)
  • Making music is a challenge for me (90%)
  • Making music keeps me fit (87%)
  • Making music is relaxing (84%)
  • Making music keeps me healthy (72%)

Developmental psychology and neuroscience reports time and time again that music has untold benefits for seniors. Let's make music together and activate that inner music in you, no matter how old you are. We look forward to hearing from you!

To live is to be musical, starting with the blood dancing in your veins. Everything living has a rhythm. Do you feel your music?

― Michael Jackson

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Upcoming Music Events

Music events can be really exciting and fun to visit! Especially when our teachers are playing!

Start time:
Ackersteinstrasse 190, 8049 Zürich
Kirchgemeindehaus Höngg

Do you have a question?

If you have any questions about our courses, don't hesitate to contact us.
